Andrew Benjamin

, 2018, 'Being and appearing: notes on Arendt and relationality', Arendt Studies 2, 215-232.

, 2017, 'The predicament of life: Dennis Schmidt and the ethical subject', Epoché 22 (1), 67-78.

, 2016, 'Barring fear: Philo and the hermeneutic project', Epoché 20 (2), 307-326.

, 2013, 'La moralité, le droit et la place de la critique : "La signification du temps dans le monde moral" de Walter Benjamin', Appareil 12, n/a.

, 2007, Porosity at the edge: working through Walter Benjamin's "Naples", in C. Magerski, R. Savage & C. Weller (eds.), Moderne begreifen, Wiesbaden, Deutscher Universitätsverlag, pp. 107-119.

, 2006a, Literary potential: the release of criticism, in D. Rudrum (ed.), Literature and philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 170-178.