Stacey O. Irwin

, 2015, 'Frame-screen-window: human-media relations', Glimpse 16, 47-51.

, 2012a, 'Re-mediation: reframing media in pedagogy', Glimpse 14, 57-61.

, 2012b, 'Seeing as an online educator', Glimpse 14, 63-66.

, 2009, 'Placescape: pedagogical reflection on community in an online classroom', Glimpse 11-12, 85-90.

, 2006, 'Blog-unicating: phenomenological turning to reflect on the existential experience of blogging', Glimpse 8, 61-66.

with O'Neal Irwin, S. , 2005, 'Texturing the lifeworld through technology: emerging with an authentic computer tool use pedagogy', Glimpse 7, 71-76.

with O'Neal Irwin, S. , 2002a, 'Technological texture: a phenomenological look at the experience of editing visual media on a computer', Glimpse 3 (2), 43-47.