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(2017) Management education, Dordrecht, Springer.

Education as communicative action

Thomas Klikauer

pp. 113-135

Many attempts to analyse dialogues as a human phenomenon have discovered what can be seen as the essence of dialogue itself: words and their meanings. The philosophy of language as well as evolutionary psychology1 tell us that words have always been more than just instruments that make dialogue possible. Accordingly, the constitutive elements of language must be clearly understood.2 With language, one finds two distinctive dimensions: reflection and action. In critical-emancipatory interactions neither one can ever be sacrificed—not even partly. In critical-emancipatory management education, there simply can never be a true word that is not simultaneously reflection and praxis. As a consequence, to speak true words is to transform the managerial world and engage in Habermas' "communicative action".3

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-40778-4_5

Full citation:

Klikauer, T. (2017). Education as communicative action, in Management education, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 113-135.

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