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(2016) Information cultures in the digital age, Dordrecht, Springer.

Ethics of European institutions as normative foundation of responsible research and innovation in ICT

Bernd Carsten Stahl

pp. 207-219

Responsible research and innovation (RRI) is a term that is used to describe current developments in the governance of research and innovation. Its purpose is to ensure that process and outcome of research are aligned with societal needs. RRI implies interventions in research and innovation processes. One open question concerning RRI is that of the normative foundations and justifications of such interventions. In this chapter I review work undertaken by Rafael Capurro and his collaborators on the ethics of European institutions. I suggest that this is a fruitful approach that can contribute to developing clear and acceptable normative foundations upon which RRI can be built. Using the example of affective computing I show how this approach to the ethics of European institutions can guide and support the practice of RRI.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-14681-8_12

Full citation:

Stahl, B. (2016)., Ethics of European institutions as normative foundation of responsible research and innovation in ICT, in M. Kelly & J. Bielby (eds.), Information cultures in the digital age, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 207-219.

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