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(2014) Seven moralities of human resource management, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.


seven moralities of hrm examining hrm textbooks and beyond

Thomas Klikauer

pp. 210-234

The concluding chapter is designed to achieve three key aspects of the book. Firstly, it provides a brief summary of the main arguments outlined in the previous chapters. Secondly, it should discuss one of the key questions of the entire project, namely, what is the level of morality of HRM. And finally, it should reflect on the key material used to ascertain the level of HRM's overall morality, namely how HRM presents itself as a field with a coherent body of knowledge. In the case of HRM — as in the case of many scholarly fields ranging from mathematics to medicine or history — this occurs through the material that has been used to teach students, i.e. textbooks. As a consequence, the final chapter will be divided into roughly three parts.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1057/9781137455789_10

Full citation:

Klikauer, T. (2014). Conclusion: seven moralities of hrm examining hrm textbooks and beyond, in Seven moralities of human resource management, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 210-234.

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