John Sallis

, 2020, Chorology: on beginnning in Plato's Timaeus, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind.

, 2019a, 'Dramatic philosophy', Epoché 23 (2), 471-476.

, 2019b, The logos of the sensible world: Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological philosophy, ed. Rojcewicz Richard, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind.

, 2018, Elemental discourses, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind.

, 2017a, 'From abode to dissemination', Epoché 22 (1), 19-28.

, 2017b, 'The negativity of time-space', Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 7, 17-39.

, 2017c, 'The span of memory: on Plato's Theaetetus', Epoché 21 (2), 321-333.

(ed) , 2017, Plato's Statesman: Dialectic, myth, and politics, SUNY Press, Albany.

, 2016, The return of nature, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind.

, 2014, 'Antichissime memorie: Le immagini recondite di Mimmo Paladino', Rivista di estetica 55 (supplemento), 77-100.

, 2012, 'Once again: what's the matter with "nature"?', Epoché 17 (1), 155-166.

with Risser, J. (eds) , 2012, Research in Phenomenology 42 (2).

, 2011, 'Exorbitant logic', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 32 (1), 127-144.

, 2009a, 'In the open of the question', Epoché 13 (2), 415-420.

, 2009b, 'Speaking of the earth: figures of transport in the Phaedo', Epoché 13 (2), 365-376.

, 2007, 'Derniers mots : générosité et réserve', Revue de métaphysique et de morale 53, 33-45 .

, 2006, 'Powers of reason and sites of recourse', The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 6, 21-31.

with Denker, A. , Heinz, M. (eds) , 2005, Heidegger Jahrbuch 2.

, 2003, 'Le lieu de l'étonnement', Noesis 6, 99-134.

, 2002a, 'On art, image, and representation', Continental Philosophy Review 35 (1), 77-86.

, 2002b, 'Speaking of light and shining', Continental Philosophy Review 35 (1), 97-102.

, 2002c, 'Φρόνησισ in Hades and beyond', Epoché 7 (1), 121-131.

with Pasanen, O. , 1997, 'An interview with John Sallis: double truths', Man and World 30 (1), 107-114.

, 1995, Intentionnalité et imagination, in D. Janicaud (éd), L'intentionnalité en question entre phénoménologie et recherches cognitives, Paris, Vrin, pp. 87-107.

, 1994, 'The question of origin', Southern Journal of Philosophy 32, 1994.

(ed) , 1993, Reading Heidegger: Commemorations, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind.

, 1992, Spacing imagination, in P. Sars, C. Bremmers & K. Boey (eds.), Eros and Eris, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 201-215.

, 1991, 'Response to Kenneth Maly', Philosophy Today 35 (2), 209-211.

, 1989a, L'espacement de l'imagination, in . Escoubas & M. Richir (éds), Husserl, Grenoble, Millon, pp. 65-88.

, 1989b, 'Moving on: rejoinder', Man and World 22 (2), 261-261.

, 1989c, 'Radical hermeneutics: repetition, deconstruction, and the hermeneutic project', Man and World 22 (2), 251-256.

, 1988, Time out..., in J. Sallis, G. Moneta & J. Taminiaux (eds.), The Collegium Phaenomenologicum, the first ten years, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 139-147.

with Moneta, G. , Taminiaux, J. (eds) , 1988, The Collegium Phaenomenologicum, the first ten years, Springer, Dordrecht.

, 1987, Introduction, in J. N. Mohanty & J. Sallis (eds.), Phenomenology, descriptive or hermeneutic?, Pittsburgh, Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.

with Mohanty, J.N. (eds) , 1987, Phenomenology, descriptive or hermeneutic?, Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Pittsburgh.

(ed) , 1987a, Deconstruction and philosophy: The texts of Jacques Derrida, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

, 1985, 'Meaning adrift', Heidegger Studies 1, 91-100.

, 1984, The identities of the things themselves, in K. Cho (ed.), Philosophy and science in phenomenological perspective, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 183-194.

(ed) , 1983a, Continental philosophy in America, Duquesne University Press, Pittsburgh.

(ed) , 1983b, Husserl and contemporary thought, Humanities Press, New York.

, 1982, 'The identities of the things themselves', Research in Phenomenology 12, 113-126.

(ed) , 1981, Merleau-Ponty, perception, structure, language: A collection of essays, Humanities Press, New York.

with Wagner, H.R. , 1979, 'Short reviews', Human Studies 2 (1), 357-365.

, 1976, 'Fichte and the problem of system', Man and World 9 (1), 75-90.

, 1975, 'Image and phenomenon', Research in Phenomenology 5, 61-75.

, 1973a, Language and reversal, in E. Ballard & C. E. Scott (eds.), Martin Heidegger, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 129-145.

, 1973b, Phenomenology and the return to beginnings, Duquesne University Press, Pittsburgh.

, 1972, On the ideal of phenomenology, in L. Embree (ed.), Lifeworld and consciousness, Evanston, Ill., Northwestern University Press, pp. 125-133.

, 1971, 'On the limitations of transcendental reflection, or is inter subjectivity transcendental?', The Monist 55, 312-333.

, 1970-1971, 'Time, subjectivity and the phenomenology of perception', The modern schoolman 48, 343-357.

(ed) , 1970, Heidegger and the path of thinking, Duquesne University Press, Pittsburgh.

with Cormier, R. , Feibleman, J. K. , Lee, H. N. , Weiss, D. H. , 1969, Epistemology II, Springer, Dordrecht.

, 1969, 'Nietzsche's homecoming', Man and World 2 (1), 108-116.

with Arrington, R.L. , Burkholder, P. M. , Dubose, S. , 1967, Philosophical logic, Springer, Dordrecht.

, 1967a, 'La différence ontologique et l'unité de la pensée de Heidegger', Revue philosophique de Louvain 65 (86), 192-206.

, 1967b, 'Phenomenology of language', The Personalist 48, 490-508.

, 1967c, 'The problem of judgment in Husserl's later thought', Tulane studies in philosophy 16, 129-152.

, 1964, The concept of world: A study in the phenomenological ontology of Martin Heidegger, Tulane University, New Orleans.

, a, 'Of the Χώρα', Epoché 2, 1-12.

, b, 'Platonism at the limit of metaphysics', Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19-20, 299-314.